Saturday, October 1, 2016

Washed by the Water

We all remember the story of Jesus walking on the water and calming the sea. We have read this story so many times that the miraculous has become ordinary to us. Many parts of the story are often read right over. One part is the storm. This was no ordinary storm that came upon the Disciples.

Peter and his brothers had grown up in Galilee, on this very lake, in fact, they earned their living on it year in and year out. They had seen countless storms, but this one was different. This storm had even these experienced fishermen certain that they were going to drown. This was not a storm in the natural, it was perhaps a storm blown in by the "Prince of the Air" to wipe them out so they couldn't accomplish their mission, or to make them lose all trust (faith) because without faith it is impossible to please G-d, and everyone's mission requires faith in the goodness of their commander, the goodness of their cause, and their ability to win the battle if they follow their Commander's orders and not their own Fear.

The Sea of Galiliee is known for sudden and horrendous storms, maybe why those make their living on it were chosen-they could weather the storms that come to every chosen Disciple. This storm had even the chosen and elect about to lose heart.

Just when it seemed that death was certain by drowning, a sleeping spiritual giant awoke. He had been there the whole time, silent, present, and in complete control. He stood up calmly, and told the very sea to quiet down so there could be some rest (Shalom).

At another time on this sea, when the Disciples beleived themselves to be separated from their master, Rabbi, and Spiritual giant. Far off in the distance a man appeared, walking on the very water that was surely going to take thier lives. They knew it was something out of the ordinary, something that nobody would believe, something they had never heard of at Church. They didn't know if it was from G-d, maybe an angel, or it was a ghost. When they were certain that the one who protected them and provided for them and a crowd of 5,000 more was far off, He was making a way to them where there was no way before.

In the Worse of Storms, and in the Darkest Night out in the sea where they believed themselves on their own, they were really being washed by the water.

What Satan had probably meant as a way of drowning them in the troubles of this life, like the weeds do good seed, G-d turned around for their strengthening. The Discple known for his weak-minded impulsiveness was honored for being the only one who believed that if He was listening to the Calm Voice of His Master in the Storm, he too could walk on the water. The very water that could take his life. For even on a calm day, the sea of Galilee is no place to play.

Even when the Storm Comes, even When the Flood Starts Rising. We are Washed by the Water. What Satan intended to drown us in, actually helps make us clean (Holy, by washing away the mud from which we the "Flesh" is formed)

Washed By The Water: Lyrics and Music
by "Need to Breathe"

Even when the rain falls
Even when the flood starts rising
Even when the storm comes
I am washed by the water

Daddy was a preacher
She was his wife
Just tryin to make the world a little better
You know, shine a light
People started talking
Trying to hear their own voice
Those people tried to accuse my father
Said he made the wrong choice
Though it might be painful
You know that time will always tell
Those people have long since gone
My father never failed

Even if the Earth crumbles under my feet
Even if the ones I love turn around and crucify me
I won’t never ever let you down
I won’t fall
I won’t fall
I won’t fall as long as you’re around me

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