In case you didn't know, the Aryan Nation is a white supremecist group more violent and organized than the KKK. They are modern Nazi's (Neo-Nazi's) and the largest prison gang in America. The film "American History X' starring Edward Norton gives a good look at them, also "True Believer" starring Ryan Gossling who plays a Jew that hates his Jewishness so much that he hides his heritage to become a skin-head.
Among other famous new Converts, we find Stephen Baldwin, Anne Rice, Bob Dylan (was Messianic but went back to regular Judaism), and Alice Cooper, Stephen Spielburg is a Messianic Jew,as well as the former guitarist for Korn who wrote a bestselling book about his conversion. Oh and I almost forgot about football great Reggie White. He not only became a Christian, but also became Torah Observant. ESPN did a news segment about his conversion to Christianity:
One of my best friends is a former Aryan Nation member. He found G-d in prison and his life turned completely, %100 percent around. He feeds the hungry and fathers the fatherless on a near weekly basis, and many of his good friends are black. He also gives out Bibles (though He doesn't believe Jesus was divine), he still says that it helps people change their lives. He pushed me to join the military and do something with my life, and he saved my natural dad from possibly killing me in one of his cocaine induced rages when I was a teenager. But when this man was in his 20's he was sitting in prison for assault and other serious charges.
Another good friend of mine was a former Atheist whose dad had been a priest of Baal (yes, they do still exist, and still practice child rape and homosexuality in their "Churches'). He was such as bad drug addict as a teenager that he became a male prostitute to support his addiction and his wife was a former prostitute as well. Last time I talked to him, he was part of the ministry team at the Salvation Army in his town and in the Praise and Worship band there, and serving in the Army National Guard.
Additionally, I have known countless former alcoholics who have changed thier life completely and have also met FORMER homosexuals who left that lifestyle.
Myself, I wasn't a Christian until I was 24. I spent most of my years being a Gnostic of the true variety (one that believes that the Gnostic Gospels tell the true story of the accepted Gospels) or a Deist (someone like Benjamin Franklin who believes that G-d made the world then got sick of people messing it up and walked away, washing his hands of humanity). I was also suicidally depressed, had debilitating anxiety and social anxiety, as well as being utterly co-dependent and so bitter at G-d I would nearly spit and turn red if anyone said His name.
I know countless people who have completeley and utterly changed from the inside out (or rather, been changed). These are the ones who seem to know G-d, instead of just knowing about Him. The ones who actually serve G-d and fight spiritual battles, instead of just wearing the uniform of one who serves G-d and carry a plastic toy spiritual machine gun to Church, yelling at the demons, the spiritual equivolent of spraying a terrorist that has high jacked a plane with a water pistol unless you have a relationship with G-d shown in Love and compassion. Now if you do have that kind of relationship, that adopted, bought at a heavy price, freed from slavery, kind of relationship, then rebuking demons is like reminding them that your Dad is Rambo, and they had better stop tormenting you RIGHT NOW because He is just outside with a red bandanna and a 14 inch survival knife reading to kick the door in and start asking question about how his children got those bruises.
Messiah said to Peter "He who will love me more, He who has been forgiven little or He who has been forgiven much?" Naturally, the one who has been forgiven much. The person they were disgusts them so much that their worse nightmare is becoming that person again. The severity of sins was so much that they cannot ignore the price that was paid to free them from debt slavery. Spiritually,Only someone who has been a prisoner can truly appreciate freedom-and maybe love it enough to live by the Laws of the one who freed them. Having worked for over a year at a Half-Way House for men recently released from prison, I have shared meals with such men on a regular basis.
Everything you have gone through can be used to make it obvious that G-d changed you, and can change anyone. The things you have done, allow you to reach others who have done the things you have done. Shared Guilt can be the strongest bond, and the opener of many doors-with shared guilt, there are no barricades because there is no judgment seeking to take everyone in the city away in chains to another prison. This is why a former drug addicts make the best drug counselors, why prisoners make the best prison ministers.
Why did it take a man that had been tempted with every sin, to be the truest "Friend of Sinners"? How can the Judge also be the advocate. How can the friend also be the servant and the Master?
It takes one who experienced every temptation to reach those who gave in to every temptation, and it takes the one who created us to Change Us.
"Some People Change" by Montgomery Gentry
Powerful Song and Video (it shows a KKK member renouncing the clan)
and has some Gospel Music Sections.
Watch and Listen Here.
His old man was a rebel yeller:
Bad boy to the bone.
He'd say: "Can't trust that other fella,"
He'd judge 'em by the tone of their skin.
He was raised to think like his Dad:
Narrow mind full of hate.
On the road to no-where fast,
Till the Grace of God got in the way.
Then he saw the Light an' hit his knees an' cried an' said a prayer:
Rose up a brand new man; left the old one right there.
Here's to the strong; thanks to the brave.
Don't give up hope: some people change.
Against all odds, against the grain,
Love finds a way: some people change.
She was born with her mother's habit:
You could say: "It's in her blood."
She hates that she's gotta have it:
As she fills her glass up.
An she'd love to kill that bottle,
But all she can think about,
Is a, a better life, a second chance,
An' everyone she's letting down.
She throws that bottle down.
Here's to the strong; thanks to the brave.
Don't give up hope: some people change.
Against all odds, against the grain,
Love finds a way: some people change.
Thank God for those who make it:
Let them be the Light.
(Let them be the light)
(Some people change.)
Here's to the strong; thanks to the brave.
Don't give up hope: some people change.
Against all odds, against the grain,
Love finds a way: some people change.
Some people change.
(Some people change)
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