Who are you, really? Why were you born to this generation, and not another? Whose Kingdom are you building, and who should you be building it with? All of these questions have one answer. Your White Stone Name. "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the Churches. To the one who conquers I will give some of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, with a new name written on the stone that no one knows except the one who receives it.’ Revelation 2:17
Saturday, October 1, 2016
Life in the Olive Press
Lessons from the Farming Parables of Yeshua
The items used in the parables of Yeshua/Jesus make a consistent point. The Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence (endures struggle and trials) and violent men take it by force (men who are acquainted with struggle and who have endured trial bring it to earth by pushing through struggle and trial).
The Scriptures tell us that before every harvest is complete there is a separation, as we see in the agricultural practices that produces Olive Oil for anointing, wine for marriage covenants, and bread from wheat and barley. These were produced by very violent means, sweating, muscle aching, often dangerous, dirty, unpleasant means.
The harvest wasn't gathered into a checking account, it would be gathered into heaven. Those who planted earthly seeds (money) would gather an earthly harvest (more money), thus missing the reward in heaven. Every seed reproduces after its kind, if you plant money, don't expect much more than money, and money doesn't last.
The seeds we are instructed to plant produce eternal harvests in the next life. We are instructed to plant spiritual seeds, and in the process of growth, these seeds will be pressed, be tossed by the winnowing fork, and go through the tribulon, before they are ready to go to heavenly storehouses, and rule 10, 50, or 100 cities in the Kingdom of G-d. These seeds are planted by living, preaching, teaching, and inspiring in others the Truth, in order that the truth may be reproduced and replanted. They are planted by encouraging, exhorting, healing, praying, loving. They are not planted by making a check out to pay for fuel for the private jet of "Prophets for Profit".
Those who ruled cities justly were first tested in battle, and didn't earn their crown by buying it online from the Spiritual Home Shopping Network.
So, How does one make Olive Oil, used to anoint with?
They find a tree and shake the entire tree violently. This violent shaking of the tree lets air get down to the roots of the tree, so it will produce more harvests throughout the years. Without the shaking, the roots stay buried under the dirt (the earth and worldy priorities) and never get exposed to the wind (Spirit).
The shaking of the tree also knocks the olives off of the tree so that they can later be made into oil. They have to be taken from their environment they are use to, and then placed into the Olive Press.
The Olive Press was a stone circle with a handle that one would take and walk circles around the olive press with, applying more pressure to the olives with each turn around the olive press. The more turns around the press, the more pure or "Virgin" the oil became.
Yeshua warned however, that those who do the crushing of his harvest might find that same stone around their neck one day, while they are being thrown into the abyss/sea.
For the olives however, the more times the olives went through the olives press, the purer the olive oil.
The purer the bride, the more crowns, the more wedding gifts (gifts of the Spirit). The more tested the warrior, the more cities he was given to rule. The more compassion the servant learned through trials, the more other servants he is given leadership over. The wiser a servants invests his "talents" for a return, the more "talents" he receives when the Master returns.
What was left was the pits and other parts of the olives. The pits left at the bottom of the press weren't used for anointing, but had other purposes. These pits burned with a very intense heat and could be used to burn up nearly anything. The sour, seemingly useless, parts of this process were used to burn away the chaff from the barley later on.
As we can see, the olives were only good for anointing AFTER the tree they were depending on had been shaken to the roots and the Olives had been put through tremendous pressure. The pits were then available to burn up whatever had to be destroyed, without leaving any of it behind.
During the Spring Holy Days:
An essential part of preparing barley was separating the barley from the chaff. The New Year began every year with the sighting of the barley planted in good soil now sprouting. It is called "Aviv" or "Green ears of Grain". Aviv was the first month of the year. The 14th Day of Aviv began the first Holy Day of the Year, the Passover. followed by Unleavened Bread, and then Firstfruits in which the 1st of the Barley was given to G-d. This is also the Holy Day that Yeshua rose on. 7 Sabbaths plus 1 day later was Shavuot, the day the Torah and Spirit were given on. It is also called Pentecost in Greek. This was during the time of the rest of the Barley Harvest.
Barley was separated from Chaff by the pushing of the wind. The Barley and chaff would be in a pile together and a winnowing fork was used to toss the grain into the air. The chaff would be blown away by the changing winds and eventually swept up and burned. The barley had more weight and would be harvested.
During the Fall Holy Days:
An essential part of preparing the wheat was to separate the wheat from the tares, and the wheat from the hulls using a Tribulon.
Tares were a plant that looked alot like wheat but is actually poisonous if used to make bread by mistake. The difference between the wheat and tares can't be seen until the harvest time, when the wheat has bowed its head but the tares still stand with head high and arrogant. This is how the harvesters tell the difference. After the wheat was separated from the tares, the wheat went through a farming device called a "TRIBULON" from which we get the word "Tribulation." It ground the wheat down AFTER it had been separated from the tares. This final process of going through the tribulon left the wheat able to make life giving bread by way of crushing the kernels to separate the hard hull from the wheat kernel.
How does one make wine to seal covenants such as marriage with?
The first part is picking the grapes. The next step is to place all of the grapes into a vat to be crushed. This crushing would separate the skins/flesh and the seeds from the grapes, and the "Blood of the Vine" would be used to seal covenants such as the marriage covenant. During the first coming the blood was the blood of Messiah. In the Book of Revelations, His Kingship begins with He crushes the wicked so that His robe becomes red.
As we can see from these ancient farming practices used in the parables of Yeshua/Jesus, and the Book of Revelations. The "Prosperity" Gospel doesn't fit into the story, but trial and struggle, going through the shaking of the olive trees to produce the possibility of an anointing along with the crushing of the olive press, being tossed by the winnowing fork to see what will be blown away by strong winds and what will remain, and bowing ones head and knees to be harvested apart from the tares and then going through the Tribulon to be worthy of the bread of life, all are essential parts of the parables and Gospel of Yeshua/Jesus.
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