Saturday, October 1, 2016

One Life To Love

One Life To Love

Having lost both parents, all four grandparents, and severals aunts and uncles before the age of 30, I have learned this lesson. We only have one life to love, and far less than a lifetime to tell the people in our lives how we feel. Many in the Bible were given warning to put their life in order, and every soldier on the battlefield knows that he could die any day, but the rest of us have far less warning. In a car crash, an act of terrorism, a freak storm, or a random act of violence our life could be over, and there will be no last rites or letter home we kept in our coats for a fellow soldier to take home.

We each must ensure that we have loved to the fullest each moment that we have with those we care about. Tomorrow is not promised or guaranteed, we are promised however, that unless Messiah returns in our lifeitme, we each will perish on a day that we do not know.

Its often not what we said that keeps us up at night when someone goes too soon, its what we failed to say. And at our last hour, it won't be what we said to those left behind that torments us, but what we failed to say.

33 Miles - One Life To Love
From the album One Life
video and music

He never thought he cared so much about the minute hand
Until he started praying for a second chance
If he could only do it all again
And trade the long nights that he spent behind his desk
For all he missed
He tells his wife I wish that this moment in this room
Was not me dying but just spending a little time with you

You only get just one time around, you only get one shot at this
One chance to find out the one thing that you don’t wanna miss
One day when it’s all said and done I hope you see that it was enough
This one ride, one try, one life to love

She never thought she cared so much about those little hands
That held on tight the day she left till she was scared to death
Sitting all alone on a hotel bed, the end of the road
The sun has set on her big plans to feel young again
She picks up the phone, dials a number, hears that little voice
That’s haunted every single mile since she made that choice

You only get just one time around, you only get one shot at this
One chance to find out the one thing that you don’t wanna miss
One day when it’s all said and done I hope you see that it was enough
This one ride, one try, one life to love

You only get just one time around, you only get one shot at this
One chance to find out the one thing that you don’t wanna miss
One day when it’s all said and done I hope you see that it was enough
This one ride, one try, one life to love.

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