Saturday, October 1, 2016

A Lover Must Also Be A Fighter

"A Lover Must Also Be a Fighter, Or Else He Is Not A Lover"

Lets get one thing straight guys, Love is not a fleeting emotion, it is not the warm fuzzies, love is not passively laying down your life, or praying for change. 

Love is active, powerful, dangerous, love is a verb and an inspiration for the greatest acts of courage and kindness. What we have done to Love, we have also done to the Messiah. 

Growing up in a rough environment, I learned to not lean on anyone not strong enough to protect you. Therefore the problem I had with the "Mr. Rogers' Messiah presented in Churches. My thinking was "Someone had the warm fuzzies enough to die for you, now they are gone, what now?" "So you want me to just take all sorts of abuse, without you protecting me, and on top of that I am not allowed to defend anyone I love?" And the hardest message of all to place your faith in. "Place your faith in someone who passively let Himself be killed, and wants to give a hug to the guys who did it."

This twisted idea we have of effeminate, motherly, Valentine's Card, Hippie, Mr. Rogers "Love" has so marred the image of the one who loved most of all, that we wouldn't recognize the Him if He returned today. In fact, when we read about Him in the Bible, most people can't believe its the same Messiah worshipped in the Churches (whom most Christians call Jesus, but whose Name is Yeshua).

When you show someone passages about Him telling His disciples to sell their sandals and use the money to buy swords, making a whip and lashing the money changers during the weekly worship service and flipping their "Love Offering" tables over, throwing the guest speakers CD's in the trash. They don't like Him telling the most powerful TBN preachers in the nation that they are a den of snakes and hypocrites, not 10 feet from thier very pulpits and camera crews, and daring them to kill Him because He will just raise from the very grave itself in 3 days and 3 nights, making many get terribly offended.

The Yeshua of the Bible isn't the Yeshua they bought a picture of at LifeWay Book store holding a sheep in his arms like a little boy does a puppy. The Yeshua of the Bible wanders around cemeteries alone and instead of running from the naked demon possessed (something close to high on crack) homeless man that is screaming at the top of his lungs and bleeding from head to toe, the one that threw Sherrif's deputees in every direction on last night's episode of COPS, the Yeshua of the Bible simply tells him to stop acting a fool and put some clothes on. And he does it.

The Yeshua of the Bible is on a ship from "Deadliest Catch" in the middle of a storm, taking a nap while the Captain of 20 years (Peter Kepha) wets his Levi's bootcut jeans. The Yeshua of the Bible has a squadron of Roman Marines and the Temple Secret Service come to arrest Him and his 12 factory worker disciples in the middle of the night, and when He says "I am He" they fall on into firing position behind their riot shields for fear of lightning coming out of His eyes and torching them. After all, He did raise a man from the dead with a whole crowd watching Lazarus claw his way out of the dirt like Night of the Living Dead, but he was fully functioning when he came out asking "whats for dinner?".Would you be afraid to draw a weapon on this man, after all, if He does that for His friends, what in the world will He do to His enemies? Go X-men on them?

You see, a Lover must also be a Fighter. Because Love requires the willingness to confront a threat, to stare down those with evil intentions, to risk everything on a one in a million chance, to tell the truth without anxiety about the consequences, to expose the wolves for wolves without fearing their teeth. Love cannot be passive, cannot be indecisive, it cannot be afraid to defend or even to destroy. Most of all, it can't be afraid of offending, of stepping on toes, of perturbing sensibilities or shattering expectations and pulling down limitations. Love may seem rude, out of place, ill-mannered or even arrogant.

Love serves the one it adores, but it doesn't worship them by becoming a doormat. Love has a higher desire than the approval of the one it adores, Love has the desire of bringing Freedom. Love has a higher desire than Safety, Comfort, and Security for the Lover and the one Adored, Love has the desire of reaching the full potential. Love abandons "what is permissible" in an unstoppable march towards what is Best. The Lover understands that to be what is needed, He cannot conform to the desires of the one it adores, He must instead be the Lover/Fighter He was designed to be. This is the only way He can serve and protect, by being What He was designed to be. Many may want a friend, a pal, a buddy, in Yeshua or an earthly husband, but what they need is a Lover and a Fighter, a leader who knows who He is, what He is here for, and how much the cost will be.

All of these things fit the role of the Redeemer and the Avenger in the Bible. Roles of the Messiah that are often forgotten in the Feminized suit and tie Churches of Spiritual Civilian America.

The Redeemer was a relative, usually an older brother, who freed you from debt slavery. The older brother was a given a DOUBLE PORTION from the Father, so He would have enough to redeem his siblings should they get into trouble. The most common way to end up in slavery was to owe more than you could pay. Since their was an entire system set up to keep people out of debt slavery, someone must have a real addiction or being incredibly foolish to have ended up a slave.
The Kinsman Redeemer would use His inheritance from the Father, and His position as the son of a powerful man, to go before the one who holds those he loves in slavery, and the Redeemer would bargain hard for the price of the one in slavery. He would then take of his double portion and pour it out at the feet of the slaveowner. He had to be strong, and intimidating, in order to get the one He loves free.

This Kinsman Redeemer loved so much in fact, that He was not only willing to risk losing His inheritance if He failed, but also His Life and His Freedom. Like Clint Eastwood in "Gran Torino", He was strong enough to destroy the ones holding those He loved hostage, but instead He gave His life to ensure that they would never be in bondage again.

Yeshua came as a kinsman (human body) to Redeem us from the things we are slaves to. We were slaves to sin because we couldn't stop sinning. When a person sinned voluntarily they were effectively signing a contract that they agreed to pay with their life. This certificate of indebtedness was spoken of by Paul and is called a "CheiroGraphon" in Greek (Handwritten Ordinances that were against us). You signed one if you went into debt, and if you couldn't pay, you were sold as a slave until your debt was paid. Messiah paid the full penalty for breaking YHVH's Law with His life. Thus redeeming us from this Written Document that says we owe our lives to pay for our sins.

He also redeemed us from not only the things that got us into slavery. He freed us from breaking YHVH's Law not by changing YHVH's Law, but by planting a desire to keep it in our hearts, and giving us His Spirit to have the power to go and sin no more. Because He doesn't want to see us selling ourselves into slavery again. He also breaks the addictions that led us to sell ourselves into slavery as well. In addition, He gave us His written Word to teach us Wisdom and YHVH's Law, so we wouldn't break YHVH's Law or do stupid things to end up in slavery to anything again. You were bought at a heavy price, and He doesn't want you going back into slavery.

Another thing He redeemed us from, aside from the Curse (Debt Owed) of Breaking YHVH's Law, is Legalism. He redeemed us from the curse of trying to think that we could just work our way out of debt slavery. For as long as we thought we could work out way out, we would live in futility trying to do it on our own, instead of letting the only one with the Double Portion of the Inheritance pay it for us. He would have to be strong, or we would not have faith in his ability to set us free.

Sometimes the case happened that even though the price of Redemption could be met, the slave owner just didn't want to release the slave. In this case, you would need a very strong Kinsman Redeemer, an eldest son ( who had a doubleportion of the Father's Strength). He would have to release the captives by force, and in Revelations we see Jesus doing just that, commanding the sea and the grave to release the captives of death who are in them.

The Avenger is also a form of Lover. If a person was accidentally killed or maimed, then a Redeemer could serve as an avenger. He would chase the one who killed or maimed his relative to extract vengeance and/or justice. This took a strong person, strong and fast and tough, because they would not only have to catch the fugitive, but also fight them when they found them, and go many days through the desert without rest like Clint Eastwood in "Pale Rider". Love and Justice are inseparable, love for the victim is measured by the Justice meted out by the avenger. The fugitive would be on a time clock, and every day that passed that he was not in a city of refuge, his clock would be ticking down. He would get more and more desperate. This is the case of Satan, he knows that he has done great harm to YHVH's people (though with malious intent) and the Avenger on the White Horse is coming for his head. He is thrown into the pit for a thousand years in the Book of Revelations (a form of Refuge and a prison), and then he dares show his head to try and harm YHVH's children again. This time he is flayed alive over an open flame, the great red dragon is like a lizard on a stick over an open campfire being roasted.

Yes, the Lover must be a Fighter, otherwise He would fail at being a Lover.

I highly recommend "Wild at Heart' John Eldredge, it looks at the problem of and cure to the Feminized Church.It changed my life, and my view of Yeshua. It has also helped alot of sons and fathers who feel the Church is trying to cut their manhood off every week.
Another great book is "No More Christian Nice Guy" by Paul Coughlin.

LOVER by Derek Webb (my favorite Christian Song)
Listen Here
Like a man comes to an alter I came into this town
with the world upon my shoulders and promises passed down
and I went into the water and my Father, he was pleased
I built it and I’ll tear it down so you will be set free

Yes But I found thieves and salesmen living in my Father’s house
I know how they got in here and I know how to get ‘em out
I’m turning this place over from floor to balcony
and then just like these doves and sheep you will be set free

I’ve always been a lover from before I drew a breath
some things I loved easy and some I loved to death
because love’s no politician, it listens carefully
of those who come I can’t lose one, so you will be set free

But go on and take my picture, go on and make me up
Iill still be your defender, you’ll be my missing son
and I’ll send out an army just to bring you back to me
because regardless of your brother’s lies you will be set free

I am my beloveds and my beloved’s mine
so you bring all your history and I’ll bring the bread and wine
and we’ll have us a party where all the drinks are on me
then as surely as the rising sun you will be set free

Are You Being Prepared for Harvest?

Are You Being Prepared for the Harvest?
YHVH's Winnowing Fork
Shalom, brothers and sisters by covenant! Many of you are undergoing a season of separation and you don't know the answer to WHY?? Why the life altering divorce? Why the painful break-up? Why did your years long friendship end? Why did your business partner walk away with the checkbook? Why are you being deployed away from your family? Why are you being isolated in so many ways? Why is YHVH silent during this test it seems? I believe that your answer, like most answers, can be found in an ancient path that we have forgotten how to walk in our modern age. The answer is found in the turning of the seasons and gathering of the harvest, but we have lost so much of the Creator’s blueprint that we can barely recall the question.

The questions are: “When does this season end? What does this season hold? What’s in the next season?" In the times the Bible was written and in all nations around the world, it was an agricultural society. That's how life was understood; through the lens of sowing and reaping, dividing and gathering, planting and waiting, wilting and blossoming again. During the era of Ruth, the grain crop was the central focus and the life of every Israelite was determined by the stages of the harvest, just as life is determined by the harvest cycle today for the believer. Though we have forgotten how we were intended to look at the world.

After losing count of the calendar that the Creator gave us in the moon, the stars and the land, we began to lose our understanding of our life and the seasons it contains. We didn't know the destination anymore. Life became a series of endless accidents and experiences with no rhyme or reason, beginning or end. But if we are reminded that we were created for fellowship (to be a Family), for leadership (to be a Kingdom of Priests upon the Earth), for stewardship (to tend the Earth), for multiplication (to be Fruit-Full and Multiply both Physically and Spiritually after our Kind), then these seasons make sense.

What if life was never meant to be about waiting for your name to be called by Peter so you can be issued a harp and a pair of wings to float on a cloud? What if the Kingdom of YHVH is a Govt. and this Earth is the field where He plants seeds, raises leaders, pulls out the weeds, and prunes the seeds He planted so that they can bear fruit to feed the Spirit? What if the mind of Yeshua was placed inside of you as a seed to share with the world when it blossoms in order to beautify the ugly world around it? What if He gave you a new heart to bear fruit that will heal the nations? What if you were not simply BORN? What if you were PLANTED, at this place, at this time, in this nation, to bear fruit? To be bread? What if you are meant to provide bread for your brothers? And this Earth is the field and you are the grain? What if we are not being shuffled through life by accident, but are being made ready for something, something grand that took determination and patience and planning, like a harvest!

Let’s assume that we have been planted. We are headed towards not a death of our body, but a harvest of that seed of Messiah that has been planted inside us; that seed we call a renewed heart and mind. If we are the harvest, if we are those meant to bring the bread of life to the hungry souls of the world, then we can’t feed anyone in the shape we stared out in. We couldn’t bring any healing, return any strength, ease any hunger pangs, or revive the faint, unless someone intervenes, like a Master of the garden. The first Adam nearly allowed the garden of humanity to perish with blight, but the 2nd Adam is a Master Gardener, come to bring water to the desert and roses out of thorn briar patches. Before these trials, we were intertwined with tares, covered in chaff, and the very seed we were intended to share with the world -the wonderful gift we were instructed to multiply, the essential ingredient for daily bread- was encased in a hard shell that no human being could penetrate it.

So how does that lonely seed planted in the Earth become life giving bread in the Body of Messiah? Let us walk through the Ancient Methods of Harvesting Grain from Amongst the Tares………………….
The harvest begins with the planting (the Birth). The Earth is tilled (the world is made ready) for you to be born into it. There is a need that you are custom designed to fill. There is a hunger for something that you (or the unborn child in your belly perhaps) is meant to fill in the souls of those around you. If the world is starving for salvation, perhaps an evangelist seed has been planted inside you, or if the world suffers from a dangerous ignorance of the ways of its Creator perhaps a teacher seed has been planted in your heart, or if there is a lack of leadership, the kernel of a pastor or apostle is between your ribs?

When the seed is planted, the sprouting begins as you are knit together in the fertile soil of your mother’s womb. Then the rains begin, as the word is poured over both the wheat and the tares (Tares are a toxic plant or weed that can easily be mistaken for wheat that has yet to mature). Both are often planted in the same garden (the same Family, same church, same nation). The wheat by the Creator and the tares by the enemy who brought the blight on the human heart to begin with in the 1st garden. They grow closely, sometimes so close that their roots intertwine, and both are the recipient of the same washing of the word, the same soil. And for the first part of the season they may even be indistinguishable because outside they are the same. But when the next season approaches, when the Light of the world shines upon them after the winter rains, the difference between what was inside the wheat and what was inside the tares becomes apparent.

The wheat reacts to the Light by a growing and swelling of the seed inside of it until it becomes a heavy burden and the wheat bows its head in the Light. The tares however don’t grow. They don’t change. They just remain standing tall, refusing to bow. After time has been granted by the Reaper for the seed in each to reveal itself, to come to fruition, for the Light to expose what was inside of each different stalk from the same soil, the painful part begins. The sickle is taken to the field and the wheat is harvested by a cutting (in Hebrew Covenants are not made, they are “Cut” and they ALWAYS cost something precious). The tares are not cut. However, after the wheat has been separated and the wheat is not in danger of being harmed. Tares are uprooted and then gathered to be burned in the fire so that they cannot spread seed after their kind.

There are instances however, in which the wheat and tares are gathered together before the time. Out of greed some farmers will attempt to sell as much “Grain” as possible by harvesting both wheat and tares together before seeing how they truly respond to the Light, and declaring tares to be wheat. Then both are turned into bread for the body, and because of the tares part of the body becomes sick (we call this a gluten allergy) and that part of the body blames the sickness on the wheat and the body refuses bread from that day forward, preferring cheap substitutes instead (often sugary ones or even ones made of dead flesh) for fear of the bread. When it is not really wheat they fear. It is the tares.

His winnowing fork is in His hand and he will clear his threshing floor, gathering His wheat into the barn and burning up the chaff with unquenchable fire. (Matt. 3:12 NIV)

If the wheat and the tares are properly separated, which is usually in a sudden and violent manner on a day that neither of them expected it to occur, there is a step for the wheat that comes AFTER the tares have witnessed the wheat being cut from the earth it was raised in. During the next few uncomfortable steps the wheat experience, the tares may remain behind untouched (if only for a brief moment) in the same comfortable ground they were always in, not knowing that while the wheat is being turned into bread that gives life, the tares are simply waiting to be uprooted and tossed into the fire. You must understand this, that the wheat is being worked with. It has an urgent purpose to fulfill. It cannot long remain as it was because the body is starving for it. The tares are not a priority, they are at a standstill, only serving the purpose of holding the soil in place until they are uprooted. After the wheat has been cut from the tares that it always knew -that perhaps it always thought to be wheat like itself (or perhaps the wheat thought itself to be a tare),-then it is taken bundled together with other wheat for a time (brought into fellowship), awaiting the remainder of the wheat to be harvested. The process of taking this grain from the Earth and making bread for the body now begins.

The stalks that attached the seed to the Earth (the world) will be removed from the head. The first step is stripping away all but the seed, the seed that was designed from the beginnings of the world to give life to mankind. It is taken to the threshing floor gathered and where the chaff or husk are separated from the seed. The oxen are first brought in to walk upon, literally crushing the chaff from the wheat. Then the heads of grain with chaff (a remainder of the stalk) will be brought high above its field of origin during the middle of the night (in the darkness and the quiet). This is when the wind (Ruach or Pneuma, also translated Spirit) picks up and moves the most during harvest season. The heads with chaff are then taken to a flat stone floor or upper room on top of a hill that is designed to let the wind blow through it for this very purpose. A winnowing fork is then used to cause upheaval under the bundle of wheat heads and chaff. As the wind/spirit blows through it separates the chaff (remainder of what attached the seed to the world) away and off into the night, leaving the seed, more naked and vulnerable than it has ever been before, to fall to the floor (as its heart has too much weight when mature to be carried away by wind that blows cold in the night). This part of harvest time is very dangerous for the wheat. Even more so than sowing time when tares be can planted alongside wheat to steal water, soil and light or even to spread blight or choke out the wheat. During the winnowing time is when the enemy would most often attack in order to steal the wheat being harvested (partially because the work had mostly been done, partially because it was in the dark hours which makes wheat easier to steal, and partially because at this stage the wheat can be made into any kind of bread the enemy desires). For this purpose the Owner of the field, His Son, or men that they sent, were often on guard with swords over the wheat throughout the watches of the night (where Ruth fatefully found Boaz).

This remnant of the field is a treasure greatly valued by its planter, though the wheat may not feel that is the truth during the cutting and the winnowing. The wheat that remains, now without stalk to connect it to the earth/world. Without the remaining chaff that had always lingered and covered its true nature before, all that remains of the wheat weed is a hard outer shell around the kernel/the heart that must be removed before making bread that can be useable to the body. For this purpose, the wheat is placed in a farming implement called a Tribulum in Latin, that served the purpose for getting the (Spiritual) meat from wheat that an olive press does for getting oil (Annointing Oil) from olives or a wine-press does for getting grape juice (the blood of the vine, covenant blood) from the grape. This Tribulum is like hyssop in that it is very abrasive (hyssop is a botanical brillo pad used for scrubbing in ancient times). As the grain is crushed between the two planks or tight places of the Tribulum (from which we get the word “Tribulation”) the last barrier, the hard outer shell that hides the heart is removed from the wheat, so that its life giving aspect is seen.

This wheat kernel is then gathered with other wheat kernels that have been separated from the field of their birth, from the tares they grew alongside, from the stalk that connected them to the earth/world, from the chaff that remained on them, and finally, from their hard outer shell hiding their heart, and this collection of life giving seeds is then crushed, and then afterwards soaked and washed in water to unite the seeds together. It is formed and shaped by loving hands that are intent on providing nourishment to hungry families, and the lump of dough (collection of wheat seeds) is placed in a fiery furnace and sprinkled with salt until they resemble what the world is truly hungry for, a pleasing aroma, an answer to the longing deep inside, a renewal of strength that was lost, an opportunity to gather for rest. And after all the trials - by bowing before the reaper, then the cutting away from the world, then the separation from remaining chaff by the wind, then tribulation for a time, then the joining by water and strengthening by fire, then the sprinkling with salt- then the wheat is finally ready to give life as it was intended. And afterwards, the tares that have mocked the wheat for all of its trials and tribulation, while the tares rested in their same old place, are bundled and burned.

Are you experiencing the cutting away from the Tares in your life? Are you being bundled with those like yourself whom you have never encountered before? Are the remnants of the world on your fife being blown away in the dark and quiet places of the night? Have those you never knew guarding over you during this difficult place, as if they were on an assignment? Do you feel the hardness of your heart being shattered between your trials on one side and your circumstances on the other? Is the water of the Word cementing you together with other believers? Are you being firmed up together under intense heat? Are you becoming more salty to your friends, family and co-workers? Are you being made ready for the harvest? The remnant of the field? Will you be uniting the children of the King in fellowship when all is said and done? Will you be satisfying their hunger for daily bread?

The Poet He Trained For War

The Poet that He Trained for War-The Great Conundrum of David

“Blessed be YHVH, my Rock, who trains my hands for War, and my fingers for Battle;” Psalm 144:1

Reading the Psalms we find a very interesting phrase that would surprise, or even shock, many in our Modern Church. David Son of Jesse; the Poet, the Musician, the Lover, the Worship Leader, the Ultimate Shepherd, has written a Praise Song that speaks of His Creator, His Father, training his hands for WAR and his fingers for BATTLE.

We also find a David who was a Warrior, not just a Poet, and a Fighter who understood that a Warrior who for fights only for himself and not a King is just a Mercenary, a Warrior who fights only for a Nation is just a Soldier, and a Warrior who fights only against the Voiceless, the Needy, and Fatherless, and the Poor is just a Thug.

“And the women sang to one another as they celebrated, “Saul has struck down his thousands, and David his ten thousands.” 1 Samuel 18:7

Before we jump to any grandma’s Sunday School or Pastor with Highlighted Hair Conclusions, David wasn’t just slaying Demons and Principalities, and this wasn’t fighting a Spiritual Battle, this wasn’t a Prayer Meeting, or writing a Book on The Battlefield of the Mind, or Preaching. The Scripture is undeniably clear, King David took many lives on the Battle Field in close quarter, hand-to-hand, Marine Corps in Iwo Jima, Trenches of World War II, Civil War bayonets, Braveheart with long swords and hatchets style Combat. The Church of his day sang of his victories, even the Women, even the Youth Group, even the Worship Leaders. Men wanted to be David, and women wanted their Husbands to be like David, and their Sons to grow to be like David and their daughter’s to marry a David. And the YHVH, that men with guitars and skinny jeans and gray haired old ladies in Choir Robes sing about in Churches, about whom we sang “He has the whole world in His hands” as children, that we quote on cute little bookmarks from LifeWay with pictures of sheep and deer and other petting zoo animals, and whose name we use to oppose the Death Penalty and going to War on many occasions, trained King David’s Hands for War. YHVH, Our Heavenly Father, trained his hands for Bloody, Gruesome, Hand to Hand Combat, War and His Fingers for Battle and things that happen in movies like Braveheart, Gladiator, Saving Private Ryan and other films Churches won’t let their members attend because the violence is “unchristian” and something young men should NEVER be exposed to. But it IS a House of YHVH, and this is what He trained King David for, Boxing, Kickboxing, Wrestling, Judo, Firearms, Knife Fighting, Combat. What if the modern Houses of YHVH was used just as much a Dojo or Firing Range as it was a Civitan, a Daycare, a Concert Venue, a Comedy Club and a Country or Book Club??? What if we allowed King David to be more than a Shepherd and Poet, what is he could be a Warrior?

“My people—infants are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O My people, your guides mislead you and they have swallowed up the course of your paths.” Isaiah 3:12

In our Feminized Culture in which most men have been raised strictly by women (and therefore made more Feminine) because the men ran away and refused to raise their sons, and a Feminized Culture will be long on Mercy and short on Justice, this is a kind of reality that most of us have been sheltered from here in the United States. Most have never known someone who had to take a life, and if we did, then it was over-seas in some far off Country and we didn’t see our family member or friend until months afterwards and then there was certainly no lengthy conversation about it, if we ever heard about it at all. In a way, we have only known one side of that person. Our grandfathers, our uncles and fathers and brothers and friends and even the husbands of many of you ladies. We have never seen a man engage in Combat, not a street fight when someone insulted his mother, not a punk at the mall getting too fresh with his daughter, not even when a mugger steals his grandmother’s purse, because all of this would simply be “Un-Christian”. If someone did, for any reason, ever, defend the defenseless using force, it would probably cost them their standing at their Church, their Job, in the Community, or with their Wife/Girlfriend, well, in most places except for Texas and some of the Southern States. Our Culture is ruled by a Youth Mentality, a mentality of whatever is pleasant and Feels Good IS Good, and whatever is unpleasant and makes us Feel Bad IS Bad. Since Duty is often unpleasant, and no Fathers have been around to show us our duties and hold us up to the unpleasant ones we are a Generation that has never fully grown up. We are a culture ruled by Youth (Infants) and the buying power of Youth (which controls advertising which controls culture), oppresses anyone who would act with Righteousness or Justice (usually by Organized Protests or Silent Oppression in the Corporate and Academic Centers).

“And when He had removed him, He raised up David to be their king, of whom He testified and said, ‘I have found in David the son of Jesse a man after My heart, who will do all My will.’ Acts 13:22

How do we reconcile this David, this Navy Seal, Cage Fighting, Action Movie Hero, Martial Arts Instructor, David, with the David who wrote the most studied, celebrated, sung, rewritten, and honestly most touching, Songs ever written? How did he set down the Sword after slaying hundreds of armored, armed and well-trained evil and barbaric men in an open field in the desert, bury the bodies of his best friends, then wash the blood and guts and dirt off his face and hands to sit down to pick up the pen and write the words that would comfort millions of people throughout the centuries, inspire the worship services of Churches throughout every Nation on Earth where there is Worship of YHVH, in addition to Prophesying in exact and clear detail the Death, Burial and Resurrection of His King to arrive over a thousand years later? How did David then go back home to make love to his wife Abigail, or to teach His Son Solomon how to read Hebrew, or to hear the case of a Widow whose land was stolen, or to sit in the Tabernacle or Dance before YHVH?

“Blessed be YHVH your Elohim, who has delighted in you and set you on the throne of Israel! Because YHVH loved Israel forever, He has made you king, that you may execute justice and righteousness.” 1 Kings 10:9

In the original design for a Man, every man was intended to be a King, a Priest, and a Lover. Adam was a King in that he administrated the Garden, he named the animals, he kept the Peace and brought Order (which allows life to grow) out of Chaos (as Chaos slowly and invisibly destroys life), and Kings after Adam, who would have responsibility for limiting the Evil in the actions of men both inside and outside of their Kingdom (otherwise nothing living or innocence would remain, but only Evil). Kings would ensure that those who took life without just cause were not allowed to live longer themselves (the life of the murderer who ends the life of an innocent person is ended shortly after the life they took), they ensured that what was stolen was returned, and those who had little regard for the life and innocence of the Fatherless, the Widow and Vulnerable learned it quickly. Adam’s fall however, and the Fall of the Church as well, as that Adam knowling allowed the Law of the Creator to be set aside in favor of what His Bride (the Church in a sense) desired to do, but while the Bride (Congregation) acted in Ignorance, Adam the Priest, did so willingly, and the Earth (Adam’s Domain) has been in a Lawless Chaos ever since then.

“And when he sits on the throne of his kingdom, he shall write for himself in a Book a copy of this Law, approved by the Levitical priests.” Deuteronomy 17:18

Kings like David were limited though, by Law and by Honor. A King could not force anyone to go war (as drafts were forbidden in Torah but not recruitment), a King was expected to be at the front lines as his troops went to battle (so to risk the lives of his men was to risk his own), and a King was not allowed to embark in wars of aggression to expand their territory or to multiply wives for himself (robbing them from other men). Kings were also not above the Torah (The Creator’s Constitution to protect His People and His Instructions for how they are to live and hold Government). Kings could not execute anyone without two or three eyewitnesses (who would receive the punishment they were trying to impose on someone else) and Kings were compelled to write an entire copy of the Book of the Law when they took office so they could not claim ignorance of Righteousness.

“Her priests have done violence to My Law (Instructions) and have profaned My Holy things. They have made no distinction between the Holy and the Common, neither have they taught the difference between the Unclean and the Clean, and they have disregarded my Sabbaths, so that I am profaned among them.”

Ezekiel 22:26

Adam, and all men after him, and the Nation of Israel, was also expected to lead the world in the duties of a Priest (separating the Clean from the Unclean, ensuring the Presence of The Creator is Welcomed with Worship, and ensuring Fellowship with the Creator took place and nothing that would disrupt that Fellowship was allowed). Adam failed in His Priestly duties because he allowed the Serpent/Dragon into his domain, over which he was responsible for ensuring that nothing Unclean entered, and this Unclean thing hindered Fellowship with His Creator. Because someone in his home was taken with it, it charmed her, entertained her, made her feel good about herself, he let it stay and it ruined Eden.

“And you shall be to me a Kingdom of Priests and a Holy Nation. These are the words that you shall speak to the people of Israel.” Exodus 19:6

In his role as a Priest, we find a David that we are more comfortable with, though any Pastor who took seriously his role as one who separates the Clean from the Unclean would have terrible trouble seeking employment. And unlike being a “King of the Home” (who ensures that the Law of YHVH is abided by and Justice is administered), a man being the “Priest of the Home” can still be heard in some Church Circles. As the example of the Kingly Priest, David led worship for the Nation of Israel (all those in Covenant with YHVH), not in an official capacity as David was not a Levite, but in the capacity of personal example as we see by his dancing before YHVH in the Ephod (and catching hell from his Bride who only allowed the Priest of the home to worship on her terms). David was a Priest in that he sought the direction of YHVH (not the People as in a Democracy) and not the dictates of his Bride (as in the Churches where the Spiritual Bride sets the Standards instead of the Spiritual Husband, a Spiritual Feminism), and his relationship and communication with YHVH was used to serve the people as a leader in both times of Peace (Blessing) and War (Crisis). Part of David’s worship was Music (singing, playing, writing, composing Music) but in the Scriptures, Obedience was the ultimate Worship, and Worship was measured by what you surrendered and not by how quickly you clapped, how loudly you sang, how many tears you shed, or how many times you laid out on the floor or passed out and fell backwards. Worship was an attitude for David, not a performance.

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being a priest to Me. And since you have forgotten the Law (Instructions) of your Elohim, I also will forget your children. Hosea 4:6

In the Jewish Tradition, Study is actually the ultimate Worship. As Study takes more Sacrifice and is less pleasant that Singing and Dancing, as Study ensures that Worship is done in alignment with Truth and should crush any Golden Calves before they arrive. In opposition to 1950’s American Culture, Jewish Women often run the family business so their husbands can have time to study Torah (the Creator’s Instructions) maybe this is based on Proverbs 31? Or just an understanding of Priesthood?

“As soon as he had finished offering the burnt offering, behold, Samuel came. And Saul went out to meet him and greet him. 11 Samuel said, “What have you done?” And Saul said, “When I saw that the people were scattering from me, and that you did not come within the days appointed, and that the Philistines had mustered at Michmash, 12 I said, ‘Now the Philistines will come down against me at Gilgal, and I have not sought the favor of YHVH’ So I forced myself, and offered the burnt offering.” 13 And Samuel said to Saul, “You have done foolishly. You have not kept the command of YHVH your Elohim, with which He commanded you. For then YHVH would have established your kingdom over Israel forever. 14 But now your kingdom shall not continue. YHVH has sought out a man after his own heart, and YHVH has commanded him to be prince[b] over his people, because you have not kept what YHVH commanded you.” 1 Samuel 13:10

David was a true Worshipper. He worshipped/Lived His Life in Spirit (Being led by that which is Right) and Truth (believing that which is Right). The difference between Saul and David in fact, was that David was a true YHVH Worshipper (a Priest), and Saul was a People Worshipper (a Politician). David went into battle and asked YHVH about WHAT to do, and HOW to do it, and WHEN to do it, and with WHOM to do it with, while Saul asked YHVH what to do then made the rest of the decisions on his own. David feared YHVH, while Saul feared the People. Perhaps this is a good time to ask if there is a Saul or a David behind the Pulpit at your Congregation, and why you and the rest of your Congregation voted him there? And also points out problems with Spiritual Democracy.

“Then David comforted his wife, Bathsheba, and went in to her and lay with her, and she bore a son, and he called his name Solomon. And YHVH loved him” 2 Samuel 12:24

Adam, like all the other men after him, was also called to be a Lover. Lovers not simply in the Romantic Sense, but to Love their Creator, Love their Children, Love their Neighbor, and yes, to Love their Wives. The Love of a man can always be seen in both how tender he is with his children, and how fierce he is with those who would do them harm, and the same goes for all others in his life. A lack of fierceness or a lack of tenderness, both indicate either a lack of Love or a lack Strength, as it takes Strength to both Tender and Fierce. Adam was called to not only be the King-Judge of Eden, with his wife Eve beside him, and a Priest of YHVH separating the Clean and Unclean (removing Serpents-Dragons from the Garden), but also to be a Lover to Eve and to tenderly show his children The Way to the Tree of Life. Adam was called to be Fierce against the Serpent, and Tender towards Eve. But Adam was tender with the Serpent and turned against Eve when YHVH came ask Adam why he was derelict in his duties as King and Priest. When Adam did this, he attempted to relegate these duties to Eve, as he was enjoying the privileges but didn’t want the responsibilities (like enjoying making a baby but refusing raise a child), so the authority and therefore responsibility of the home, is then delegated to the mother.

“And all Israel heard of the judgment that the king had rendered, and they stood in awe of the King, because they perceived that the wisdom of Elohim was in him to do Justice.”

1 Kings 3:28

But back to Tenderness. The Strength of a Warrior, like David, is shown in that he sees the difference between himself and others, and respects that difference. He realizes two things, that his Strength sets him apart, and that his Strength is a tool with which he was given to serve those he loves (perhaps why Samurai means “one who serves). When a Warrior realizes that his Strength is Real, then he is not threatened by others who do not have it, and therefore does not have to constantly prove his Strength TO THEM or OVER THEM. He can afford to be tender, he can afford to be seen as “Weak” by those who have never seen the Warrior arise, and he can prove them wrong whenever the need arises, but he never proves it unless there is a true need. Captain Jack Hoban, a Marine Corps Captain and 5th Dan (5th Degree Black Belt) in the Togakure Ninja Clan had this to say on being a Warrior “I am a Warrior, Everyone in the Room is a little Safer because I am there”.

“16 As the Ark of YHVH came into the city of David, Michal the daughter of Saul looked out of the window and saw King David leaping and dancing before YHVH, and she despised him in her heart. 17 And they brought in the Ark of YHVH and set it in its place, inside the tent that David had pitched for it. And David offered burnt offerings and peace offerings before YHVH. 18 And when David had finished offering the burnt offerings and the peace offerings, he blessed the people in the name of YHVH of hosts 19 and distributed among all the people, the whole multitude of Israel, both men and women, a cake of bread, a portion of meat,[e] and a cake of raisins to each one. Then all the people departed, each to his house.

20 And David returned to bless his household. But Michal the daughter of Saul came out to meet David and said, “How the king of Israel honored himself today, uncovering himself today before the eyes of his servants' female servants, as one of the vulgar fellows shamelessly uncovers himself!” 21 And David said to Michal, “It was before YHVH, who chose me above your father and above all his house, to appoint me as prince[f] over Israel, the people of YHVH—and I will celebrate before YHVH. 22 I will make myself yet more contemptible than this, and I will be abased in your[g] eyes. But by the female servants of whom you have spoken, by them I shall be held in honor.” 23 And Michal the daughter of Saul had no child to the day of her death.” 2 Samuel 6:18

A True and Genuine Strength, is shown in dancing with your daughter, carrying your grandmother’s groceries in for her, giving the homeless man a bottle of water, crying at a funeral, making a fool of yourself to share your heart with your wife, and in worshipping with wild abandon (which some of us struggle with). Weakness needs to be respected just as much as Strength in order to have a functional Society and a Healthy Community. The weak deserve Protection just as much as the strong deserve Respect. Almost all children, handicapped, the elderly, and the majority of women deserve the protection of the Strong. The tenderness of David was made possible by his Strength and not in spite of it. Any Warrior who did not know he was a Warrior could not play the Lyre, write Poetry, or many of the other feats of Tenderness that David was known for. Strength with Love produces Tenderness, Strength without Love produces Brutality. The Samurai understood the need for Tenderness in a Warrior, perhaps why the Samurai learned just as much about pens (Poetry, Calligraphy, Drawing) as they did about Swords, and spent just as much time in their Gardens as they did in their Dojos. Those who have learned to nurture life have also learned to protect it fiercely, as David learned with his sheep. There are those who will mock or not understand your tenderness, but these people often spend much of their lives denying their own Blessings and lack Wisdom. Perhaps this is why the Celts had a saying “Never give a Sword to a man who can’t Dance”, the bitterness rusts their Sword.

“And the lords of the Philistines came up to her and said to her, “Seduce him, and see where his great strength lies, and by what means we may overpower him, that we may bind him to humble him. And we will each give you 1,100 pieces of silver.” Judges 16:5

Strength comes in many forms, Physical Muscle Power like the ability to lift rocks or run marathons, Mental Analytical Power like the ability to plan or strategize, Emotional Staying Power like the ability to keep pouring yourself into a Dream or a Relationship or an Idea long after most would have quit, or the Power of Discipline to say “no” in an area in which your Body, your Mind, or your Emotions want to say “yes”. Everyone is Strong in one area or the other, and Weak in one area or the other. Not everyone can be Strong in one of these areas, and few in any people can be strong in all of them. Everyone has a weak area, and in these weak areas we are often the most afraid to show tenderness in that our weakness may be revealed. Those who are most likely to fall prey to a bad relationship don’t let anyone in, those with an unknown physical injury may refuse to participate in sports, and those who are don’t feel like they have efficient intellectual ability may play the class clown in order to justify low grades. Denying Weaknesses however does not make a Warrior, it makes a cold Robot or a lonely Fool. Trusting it with anyone makes a Fool too.

“Then Joseph hurried out, for his compassion grew warm for his brother, and he sought a place to weep. And he entered his chamber and wept there.” Genesis 43:30

Learning who we can trust with our Tenderness and cry with us in defeat is the greater part of Wisdom, just as much as knowing who can respect our Strength or stand with us in Battle and celebrate in our victories. Pretending we don’t have any vulnerabilities is like trying to keep watch on a caged animal so nobody knows that there is a tiger in the basement, we have to sleep one day, and until then we will spend every waking moment making noise (making money, winning trophies, earning grades, getting promotions) to cover over the growls and taking nourishment (our Love) away from those we love in order to feed it (our Fear). Vulnerability cannot be killed, but it must be trained before let loose.

“Then Isaac brought her into the tent of Sarah his mother and took Rebekah, and she became his wife, and he loved her. So Isaac was comforted after his mother's death.” Genesis 24:67

In the Japanese Culture, Samurai called their wives “Oku-San” which means “Ms. Inside”. This may sound as if they never left the house, but the wives of Samurai managed the family farm, the money, the business, so their husbands could have time to train for the Battlefield (be their Protector) in the same way that Jewish Women would manage the business so their husband could have time to study the Torah (train to be their Priest). She was called “Ms. Inside” because she was the only person with access to her husband’s weaknesses. She would be the only one to ever see him naked (and see his scars), to observe him slow down as he ages, to see him cry. The Kanji (Word Pictures) for “Wife” or “Oku-San” is a Picture of a Treasure inside of Vault, it’s his Tenderness.

“I also found out that the portions of the Levites had not been given to them, so that the Levites and the singers, who did the work, had fled each to his field.” Nehemiah 13:10

But what happens when the Protectors are stripped of their Swords, and the Priests are taken from their Scrolls, and told there services are no longer needed because now we have 911 and TBN. Or when Kings are stripped of their Scepters after being told that Justice is not in agreement with Love, and Levites are told to go back to working the Fields unless they will serve the as Politicians instead of Priests. Then the Bitterness sets in, and the Strength remains locked away and unable to get out, like a caged Lion until it is released one day Hungry and Angry, or it becomes Weak from Atrophy and the day you need a Lion to chase away the Wolves all you’ve got is a toothless Housecat that purrs not roars.

“8 Now, therefore, thus you shall say to my servant David, ‘Thus says the Lord of hosts, I took you from the pasture, from following the sheep, that you should be prince[b] over my people Israel. 9 And I have been with you wherever you went and have cut off all your enemies from before you. And I will make for you a great name, like the name of the great ones of the earth. 10 And I will appoint a place for my people Israel and will plant them, so that they may dwell in their own place and be disturbed no more. And violent men shall afflict them no more, as formerly, 11 from the time that I appointed judges over my people Israel. And I will give you rest from all your enemies. Moreover, the Lord declares to you that the Lord will make you a house. 12 When your days are fulfilled and you lie down with your fathers, I will raise up your offspring after you, who shall come from your body, and I will establish his kingdom. 13 He shall build a house for my name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever. 14 I will be to him a father, and he shall be to me a son. When he commits iniquity, I will discipline him with the rod of men, with the stripes of the sons of men, 15 but my steadfast love will not depart from him, as I took it from Saul, whom I put away from before you. 16 And your house and your kingdom shall be made sure forever before me.[c] Your throne shall be established forever.’” 17 In accordance with all these words, and in accordance with all this vision, Nathan spoke to David.” 2 Samuel 7:8 (David was unable to build it because he had shed blood)

There is a price to be paid for being a Warrior. Time away from Family, not being understood, the great personal risk to self that comes from facing danger on behalf of others, and there is the Emotional and Psychological Cost that is paid from seeing and doing things that were never intended in the beginning, but are one of the many unfortunate necessities of life after the Fall. There is a certain unspoken distance between the Warrior and the Civilian, those who would give their Life for a Cause or a Person or People, and those who believe in nothing, and those who are busy standing watch over others who are busy playing games (appropriate for children but not adults). The more untested, unchallenged, and under matured a Generation becomes the higher cost its warriors pay, as they become more and more alone, facing more duties themselves as there are fewer and fewer Warriors left to share the burden, and being more and more misunderstood or even punished (as seen in the ridiculous self-defense laws in this Country which criminalize defending one’s family), with less rewards and definitely less Respect. We see directly in the dismal State of the Department of Veteran’s Affairs and treatment of the Vietnam Veterans received by their brothers, sisters, and former friends upon returning home from War. The bitterness shared by men all across the Nation can attest to this, as like Prophets, Warriors are often least respected in their own homes, by a Generation that was not worthy of them. Respect builds Strength, Disrespect erodes It.

“Judah and Israel were as many as the sand by the sea. They ate and drank and were happy.” 1 Kings 4:20

The Sacrifice of one Generation of Warriors, the Sacrifice of War, can make Peace for the next Generation, and give the children of those Warriors the Blessing of Peace. After World War II, and its sacrifices for soldiers on the battlefield in terms of blood, and families at home in terms of rations and finances and the high cost of fatherlessness, America became the wealthiest and most technologically advanced Nation in the world after the ensuing Peace. This was the very thing that Teddy Roosevelt feared, not a Generation that faced War and became hardened men, but a Generation that faced Peace and never grew the fortitude it needed to guard its prosperity or to appreciate its Blessings.

After David the descendent of Shem faced many battles against the Philistines descended from Ham (called Palestinians by the Romans), to restore lands stolen during the 400 years in Egypt (reference the Book of Jasher), Israel became the wealthiest Nation in the world in the ensuing Peace, which allowed Solomon, David’s Son, to invest in the development of Technology and Agricultural Principles from around the world that blessed Ancient Israel, even colonize some of it, why we find Hebrew inscriptions in New Mexico and Tennessee.

“When Pharaoh let the people go, YHVH did not lead them by way of the land of the Philistines, although that was near. For YHVH said, “Lest the people change their minds when they see War and Return to Egypt.” Exodus 13:17

This financial prosperity made available from the end of War allowed Solomon to build the Temple as he was not busy defending the land that it would be built upon. The blood shed by David cost him the privilege of building the Temple as his heart had burned to do, but it did allow the Peace that Solomon needed in order to so, which would not have been possible without his father’s Sacrifice, and Sacrifice that perhaps Solomon never understood as he took the wealthiest Nation in the world to near destruction in one Generation. Many Generations that have seen War come to disdain it so much that they forget to teach their sons how to be Warriors, how to have Tenderness but not have Strength (the Generation we have today), while some Generations know only hardship so they teach their sons to have Strength but not Tenderness, such as the 1950’s Generation, which led to the “Free Love” 1960’s Generation of Lawlessness as a reaction to Law without Love is usually Love without Law. But these Poets hands can still be trained for War, and their Fingers for Battle, if only the Warriors are also taught to be both Tender and Strong by their Parents, their Wives, and especially their Congregation Leaders.

“Thus I cleansed them from everything foreign, and I established the duties of the Priests and Levites, each in his work;” Nehemiah 13:30

Dust of the Rabbi

If He chose you, He has full confidence you can live as He lived.

Perfect Love Casts Out Fear

"Perfect Love Drives Out Fear" Apostle John (Yochanan)

The Apostle James, the half-brother of Messiah, spoke of a similar concept, mixing Faith and Doubt, Kind Words and Evil Words. 

Love, in its purest state, leaves no room for fear. In the heat of battle, a soldier who loves his brothers in arms will run across the crossfire to reach a wounded comrade. His love for his buddy has overrode his fear.

The love of a mother for children allows her to have more children, despite the fear of the pain of labor.

The Love of G-d for those who are adopted as sons in His Kingdom helps them to override their fears. The Love He gives them (Grace) and the Love they give Him in Obedience to His Ways (Torah) instead of the World's Ways (tradition, philosophy, and culture) allows them to overcome fears of not being adequate in the world's eyes, of not "fitting in" because they live by G-d's Laws, of not having their desires fulfilled in this life (Because they have better desires for the life to come.)

You see, Love defeats fear simply because it is so much greater. Love serves a higher calling, and love is the higher Law. The purpose of each of G-d's Law is Love, teaching man how to Love G-d, love His neighbor, and Love his own good.
Love is the ultimate motivator, all other things are weak and powerless in comparison.

Fear may motivate or even control for a time, but there is a limit to fear. Most fear death most of all, and once they no longer fear death then fear has no control over them. The effectiveness of fear is limited by human mortality. Fear is also limited by the human mind, because the mind can rationalize many ways to escape what they fear, even if they fear hell, it can be rationalized away.

Love is stronger because it can't be rationalized away, love is stronger than the grave as many will face death out of love-voluntarily, but not out of fear. Love is not subject to ever changing circumstances as fear is. Love has a higher goal than the preservation of self.

Simply put, Love is Larger. The Apostle Paul describes martyrs by saying that the 'Joy set before them" had overrode their fear. What was this joy? Spending countless eons with the One they love, the one who loves them back. Because of their great Love, they will dwell forever in a Kingdom ran by G-d' Laws, the Laws that tell us how to love, and since these Laws will be obeyed perfectly out of Love, this Kingdom is a Kingdom without Fear.

Messiah tells us in Matthew 5:17-19 that those who keep and teach the Commands of G-d (the Commands that show us How to Love G-d and Love our neighbor) will be called Greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven. Think about it, those who knew and practiced Love in Life, will be co-ruling a worldwide government! And they will be led and ruled themselves by the very embodiment of Love.

This will be a Kingdom where every citizen is circumcised in the heart.
When the heart has been circumcised, and the flesh (god of self) has been removed, then Love is free to reproduce. In Romans chapters 7 and 8 Paul says that "the Flesh is HOSTILE to the Law of G-d, it cannot submit to G-d's Law nor does it wish to do so."
The "Flesh" fears, it fears above all else, it fears losing its throne, it fears not having the ability to make you sacrifice all you have to preserve it.

Therefore it is hostile to G-d's Law, which is Love for G-d above all else. Love demands the bravery, and faith, to sacrifice the flesh and its desires for something lesser.

When we sacrifice out of love, we are not just losing something, we are trading it in for something immensely better.

The problem is not that we love alcohol, drugs, money, porn, fame, applause, etc, too much, the problem is that we haven't yet found something worth loving SOOO MUCH MORE. This is the point of John Eldredge's book "Journey of Desire". Desire is not the problem, desiring the lesser things instead of the greater things in the problem.

Like the girl in the picture, if we focused on the Love that awaits us for all eternity, then the sacrifices and trials now are a cause for rejoicing, because they bring us closer to the source of overwhelming Love later.

If someone received a $5 for every $1 that was stolen from him, then he would rejoice when his $1 was stolen. In the Law of G-d, every thief must pay back at least 5 Fold. For everything that thief, HaSatan has stolen, he must pay back 5 times more! Messiah said we would have returned to us all we have lost for his sake, family replaced with a 1,000 brothers and sisters for each one that rejected you, 1,000 fields of physical territory in the millenial reign for every one that was stolen from you on earth.

In the beginning and still today, haSatan steals the praise and glory from G-d, and in the end, he must return it all times 5. He steals much from us today by way of his servants and his influence on us, but in the end, he will be forced to pay back 5 fold and more.

Everything meant to destroy us now, that we overcome, will be used as a measurement for our blessing later. What was stolen, will be returned 5 times. The trials we have now, will be returned with joy 5 times. The Fear we have now for 50 years, will be wiped away with Love for 50,000 years.


"Absence of Fear" by Jewel
Listen and Watch
"Absence Of Fear"
Inside my skin there is this space
It twists and turns
It bleeds and aches
Inside my heart there's an empty room
It's waiting for lightning
It's waiting for you
And I am wanting
And I am needing you here
Inside the absence of fear
Muscle and sinew
Velvet and stone
This vessel is haunted
It creaks and moans
My bones call to you
In their separate skin
I make myself translucent
To let you in, for
I am wanting
And I am needing of you here
Inside the absence of fear
there is this hunger
This restlessness inside of me
and it knows that you're no stranger
you're my gravity
My hands will adore you through all darkness aim
They will lay you out in moonlight
And reinvent your name
For I am wanting you
And I am needing you here
I need you near
Inside the absence of fear

Wheat and Tares

The Wheat and the Tares

We are all familiar with the parable of the wheat and the tares, but few understand the difference between wheat and tares. 

When wheat is fully mature, when wheat becomes fruitful, it bows its head from the weight. It reproduces after its kind, bread of life. The wheat bows its head down in the presence of the one with heaven's sickle having come to harvest His own from the earth.

When a tare is fully grown, it refuses to bow its head. The tare may reproduce after its kind, but its not fruitful, in fact, everything it produces is choking out life.

After I posted this note, a fb friend left this comment about physical wheat and tares as well:"Greek "Zizanion" literally means 'anti-wheat',
In the Hebrew "Zownin" means "nausea."
It is not a type of vetch, but a darnel; it is impossible to distinguish from the wheat, until the wheat's ear is fully developed, then the thin fruitless ear of the darnel is detected.
Its root gets so intertwines (intangled) with the wheat that the farmer cannot separate them, without killing up both, "till the time of harvest." The seed is like a smaller and black wheat seed, but when it is mixed with the wheat flour it causes dizziness, intoxication, nausea, and eventual paralysis."

On the spiritual level
The proud pass on arrogance to others, who wish to be worshipped as the proud are worshiped. They wish to have the "Strength" to not change their ways for anything or anyone. The tares are gathered together and burned, they are identified by not bowing their heads. They have to be burned so as not to produce more tares. Sometimes it takes a fiery trial for us to be ready to let go of the tares, just as it took 7 plagues before the Israelites were willing to leave Egypt.

Paul talks about the wheat and tares, and the struggle to be wheat and bow ones head and submit to G-d's Ways like the wheat instead standing in resistance and following our own ways like the tares:
He says that "
Romans 8:7
For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God’s law;indeed, it cannot.
Romans 8:8
Those who are in the flesh cannot please God.
Romans 7:25
Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, I myself serve the law of God with my mind, but with my flesh I serve the law of sin.

In life I have learned this lesson. If we make the head of us (the thing that inspires, lead, directs, or controls us) something that refuses to bow before G-d, then that thing will be removed from our lives, or it will be something that oppresses us and eventually leads to our destruction, as we find in Mark 7 with the workers of Lawlessness.

Instead of people wanting G-d for their King and submitting to His Law, they in their pride, demanded a mere man like themselves to rule over them (like Saul), placing man in G-d's place. G-d warned them that if they chose a king aside from Him, and a Law other than His perfect Law of Liberty, then they would find oppression.

In our lives we do the same thing. We want a crown on our own heads, and if we aren't trying to put it on our own heads, we are trying to put it on the head of some preacher, or rock star, or millionaire, or talk show host of politician or scientist,or significant other. Sometimes what is worshipped is a substance or a treasured idea.

In the end, these things are either destroyed for allowing themselves to be worshiped, like King Herod who fell dead covered in worms, or they are knocked down a notch day by day, like Pharoah who slowly witnessed his entire kingdom collapse before his eyes. As for things that we crown, they will either be completely shattered, torn from our lives, or slowly and painfully leave us disillusioned.

Since we keep placing the crowns in our life on heads that refuse to bow before G-d, we keep making the same mistake. We place the crown on the heads of those are by Biblical definitions, fools. And then wonder why nothing ever changes.

The only way to escape is to eat of the Tree of Life (Obedience to G-d's Instructions) and stop eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil (deciding for ourselves what is Good and Evil, Best and Worse), or handing someone that apple to eat it for us and decide Good and Evil for us-saying that "such and such, pastor, politician, rock start, etc gave me the apple" when its time to meet the consequences of our choices.

"Same Mistake",by James Blunt
Watch and Listen

Saw the world turning in my sheets and once again I cannot sleep.
Walk out the door and up the street; look at the stars beneath my feet.
Remember rights that I did wrong, so here I go.
Hello, hello. There is no place I cannot go.
My mind is muddy but my heart is heavy. Does it show?
I lose the track that loses me, so here I go.
And so I sent some men to fight, and one came back at dead of night.
Said he'd seen my enemy. Said he looked just like me,
So I set out to cut myself and here I go.
I'm not calling for a second chance,
I'm screaming at the top of my voice.
Give me reason but don't give me choice.
'Cause I'll just make the same mistake again.
And maybe someday we will meet, and maybe talk and not just speak.
Don't buy the promises 'cause, there are no promises I keep.
And my reflection troubles me, so here I go.
I'm not calling for a second chance,
I'm screaming at the top of my voice.
Give me reason but don't give me choice.
'Cause I'll just make the same mistake,
I'm not calling for a second chance,
I'm screaming at the top of my voice.
Give me reason but don't give me choice.
'Cause I'll just make the same mistake again.
Saw the world turning in my sheets and once again I cannot sleep.
Walk out the door and up the street; look at the stars.
Look at the stars fall down.
And wonder where did I go wrong.

Two Houses in the Storm

The Two Houses in the Storm
We all remember the famous parable from Christ concerning the man who built his house on the sand. This parable has geographic applications for cities such as Amsterdam, Berlin, New York, New Orleans, and D.C., which were literally, built on sand, as oceans and swamps were drained to make them building sites.

It also has national implications, such as a nation should build it Laws and values around G-d's Laws and values, not Church traditions, Enlightenment thinking, Roman Government, and Greek Philosophy.

Finally, it has personal applications.
When we look at two houses side by side, we cannot tell often which is built on sand and which is built on rock, at least not at a glance. Both houses would have to have support poles built deep into the sand. Under the surface however, we see the difference.

The foolish man hit rock and just quit digging. He pulled some sand in around the support pillars to make it look secure and went on his way. The wise man hit rock and KEPT DIGGING. He dug DEEP into the rock to see if it was a dependable granite, or just clay and sandstone. Then he dug even deeper to secure a solid foundation. Then he filled in the sand around his support pillars.

From the outside looking in, you can't tell the difference between two nations, two cities, or two houses, until the storms come.Both kinds can be impressive to man, but only one will be found worthy of preservation by G-d, and will endure the storm.

Having seen the after-affects of Katrina first hand, and growing up in Tornado Alley, I can tell you this is true in more ways than one.

From the outside looking in, we may think a family (household) is secure. They have a mansion with 3 car garage and a pool.
They make plenty of money, have the right jobs, drive the right cars, and play golf with the right people, their kids go to the right school, and they wear the right clothes and go to the "right" church. But underneath all the appearance is a foundation built on competition, greed, coveting (tracking the Joneses), and mistrust (children fighting over the inheritance, a trophy wife fearing losing her beauty, a husband fearing his 401K falling apart). The father taught Bible Studies, the mom worked with the women's ministry, the kids made good grades at Christian School.
This family had a religion and a tradition around Christ, but never learned to depend on Him.

Then across town we have another house.
A shack made of recycled lumber and concrete with a tiny overgrown lawn.
A Dad working 2 jobs who only has a G.E.D., a mom worn out from raising 3 kids with a husband forced to be gone all day, trying to scrounge some nutritious meals from a Mac N Cheese and Sweet Tea budget, and 3 children wearing Salvation Army clothes with the oldest helping pay the rent by working at Wal-mart after school.
But this family has love for one another, a father willing to sacrifice, a mother that prays since she is already on her knees in desperation for ends to meet, and children who have learned that they must work together for a family to survive. This family didn't always sit in the front pew or Sundays, and didn't always make it to Church. The Dad wasn't asked to teach Bible Studies or host a home group. But they did KNOW the true Rock, in the way that those who have experienced a desperate dependence on Him only know.

Then the storm comes, both buildings are blown away.
The rich man's house falls apart. He has to cash in his stocks and bonds, his trophy wife cant afford her make-up, and the kids go buck wild because Daddy's Will isn't keeping them in line anymore.

Then we have the other family, use to hardship, built on a rock. They pull together instead of getting pulled apart. They have faced the storm and came out walking on water.

We can't tell whose house is on the rock and whose is on the sand. Until the storm comes.

Therefore let us not depend on the wealth of others, or on those who depend on thier wealth. Look for evidence of a solid rock in a spouse and a friend.

Having seen the after-affects of Katrina first hand, and growing up in Tornado Alley, I can tell you this is true in more ways than one.

Renaissance : by Mat Kearney
Listen here:

This is my renaissance
this is my one response
this is the way i say i love you
this is my second chance
this is my one romance
this is the cutting line
on which i stand to show you
it happened fast in a flash just this evening
i hit the gas, horn blast, brakes screaming
car crash, broken glass, broke my dreaming
i hit the dash so fast my ears are ringing
my sister’s on the right side just slightly leaning
i grabbed her hand hard until she started breathing
my brothers in the back jaw cracked from the beating
the breath in my chest has slipped and i’m sinking
blinking through diamond spider webs of cracked glass
i’m trying to remember all the words you said in the past
through the ash, siren screams and red beams
i hear you sing softly to me
i can be the wall when you fall down
find me on the rocks when you break down
i heard it in the song when you call out
but i got to say now it’s got to change
this is my broken heart
this is my bleeding start
this is the way i’ve come to know you
this is my winding road
this is my way back home
this is the narrow door you know that i will walk through
i got a letter today of why she went away
she said, ‘it’s better this way, you knew i never could stay’
half empty closets and frames, all that’s left to my name
as she left in the rain and left my heart on a chain
three years i’ve built this two-face tower for hours on a lease
you gave me one yellow flower that said rest in peace
in pieces i’ve broken open to think too much or just enough
alone to trust midst the rubble and the dust
humbled, it took this much to break down and understand
spent my life this far on castles made of sand
tossed in the breakers in the palm of your hand
now i can finally stand

Without Death Time Is Meaningless

"Ecc 7:1 A good name is better than precious oil, and the day of death than the day of one’s birth. 
7:2 It is better to go to the house of mourning than to go to the house of feasting, for that is the end of all men. And the living take it to heart. 

Something the living should take to heart. Youth is wasted on the young. When we are young, we think we are immortal, and everything is forever. This is not always a positive thing. We believe that our sorrows will never pass and nothing can or will ever change.
When we are old, we have earned the gift of perception through witnessing a change of seasons in life. We have the great relief of knowing that nothing last forever.

This knowledge allows us to enjoy the goodness of life while it lasts, and have hope that sorrow has its end as well. No matter what we are going through in life, this too shall pass. No matter what someone else is going through, that too shall pass. Every experience in life, especially the sorrowful has its limits.

Without death, time would become meaningless. Without death, injustice would become unbearable. Without death, the sufferings of the righteous would destroy our faith.

Isaiah 57:1 The Righteous perish and no one ponders it in their heart, that the righteous perish to spare them evil days ahead.

Sometimes in life, death is a gift. G-d took away many of the Kings of Israel before they could witness dark and heartbreaking days ahead, and it was considered a blessing. We even have a saying in the south "I'm glad your -insert title of dead relative- isn't hear to see this."
Some also are taken to spare them dishonor, as they may have dwindled into dishonor and helplessness in their old age. Others are spared years of suffering later in life, by being taken in the prime of life.

We never know when our end will come, or how. We never know for sure when the end of others will come either. We are promised that if we follow the commands of G-d, He will extend our life in the land (Deuteronomy 30). Other than that, we have no control over our end on this earth. We also have no control over our afterlife, except for two choices.
The first choice is deciding who stands to answer for our crimes against the Laws of the Universe (G-d's Law/Torah), will we stand for ourselves, or allow an advocate whose father is the judge to plead our case based upon HIS own clean record.
The Second Choice is deciding if we will follow G-d's Commands so we can be trusted with authority and leadership in the Kingdom, or going our own way and being least in the Kingdom? Matthew 5:17-19

To enter the House of Mourning is truly a blessing.
It is a reminder to enjoy the good times we have been given and to follow G-d with our lives (the whole duty of man according to Solomon) and a reassurance that the bad times don't last forever either.

1 Samuel 2:9 "He will guard the feet of his faithful ones,but the wicked shall be cut off in darkness,for not by might shall a man prevail.

Genesis 38:7
But Er, Judah’s firstborn, was wicked in the sight of the LORD, and the LORD put him to death.

Genesis 38:10
And what he did was wicked in the sight of the LORD, and he put him to death also.

The House of Mourning for the Righteous is also a great reminder. The House of Mourning is where we are promised that the evil can only escape justice for so long before they meet the judge of all. No wicked man will live over 130 years, then they go to Sheol and then to the judgment. When we hear of atrocities and genocides and all manners of evil, we know that in the house of the wicked sits an hourglass, whose sand is running low.

The House of Mourning reminds us also of another great Truth "Every new beginning comes from some other beginnings end."

The sorrow of the Righteous ends at the House of Mourning and then they enter a House of Feasting, and the Feasting of the Wicked ends as well, they begin with Feasting and end with Mourning.

"Shadows of the Day" by Linkin Park
Watch and Listen

"Shadow Of The Day"

I close both locks below the window
I close both blinds and turn away

Sometimes solutions aren't so simple
Sometimes good bye's the only way

And the sun will set for you
The sun will set for you

And the shadow of the day
Will embrace the world in grey

And the sun will set for you
[End Chorus]

In cards and flowers on your window
Your friends all plead for you to stay

Sometimes beginnings aren't so simple
Sometimes good bye's the only way

And the sun will set for you
The sun will set for you

And the shadow of the day
Will embrace the world in grey

And the sun will set for you

And the shadow of the day
Will embrace the world in grey

And the sun will set for you

And the shadow of the day
Will embrace the world in grey

And the sun will set for you
[End Chorus]

Not Full of Hypocrites Always Room for One More

For a long time I rejected Christians as being people with "perfect lives" who only worshipped G-d because He had blessed them in every possible way. You were a Jacob who was blessed before birth, no matter your actions, or an Esau, who was hated before birth. The Jacob's became Israel, while the Esau's remained simply Esau. 

With time, and knowing believers who have been through every form of Hell and High Water and were honest about it, my eyes were opened. Believers have just as many problems, sins, and struggles, as everyone else, sometimes more. The difference is that they resist the darkness, and resist it with a power stronger than their own. if we never reveal our struggles, then we never reveal the power getting us through it. If we never reveal we face the darkness, then nobody know we have a great light to guide us through.

When we close the curtain on this stained glass masquerade, and get rid of the plastic smiles, then the genuine seekers will bang down the door of the Church trying to get in, but until then, we will remain a sad amusement. Like a play on a stage, many will visit but few will join the cast. When we take off the masks and customes, then the audience will follow the Director who looks for an honest heart. Thats what it took for me.

Stained Glass Masquerade by Casting Crowns
Watch and Listen

Is there anyone that fails
Is there anyone that falls
Am I the only one in church today feelin’ so small

Cause when I take a look around
Everybody seems so strong
I know they’ll soon discover
That I don’t belong

So I tuck it all away, like everything’s okay
If I make them all believe it, maybe I’ll believe it too
So with a painted grin, I play the part again
So everyone will see me the way that I see them

Are we happy plastic people
Under shiny plastic steeples
With walls around our weakness
And smiles to hide our pain
But if the invitation’s open
To every heart that has been broken
Maybe then we close the curtain
On our stained glass masquerade

Is there anyone who’s been there
Are there any hands to raise
Am I the only one who’s traded
In the altar for a stage

The performance is CONVINCING
And we know every line by heart
Only when no one is watching
Can we really fall apart

But would it set me free
If I dared to let you see
The truth behind the person
That you imagine me to be

Would your arms be open
Or would you walk away
Would the love of Jesus
Be enough to make you stay

Chorus x2

Well if the invitation’s open
To every heart that has been broken
Maybe then we close the curtain
On our stained glass masquerade

Is there anyone that fails
Is there anyone that falls
Am I the only one in church today feelin’ so small

One Life To Love

One Life To Love

Having lost both parents, all four grandparents, and severals aunts and uncles before the age of 30, I have learned this lesson. We only have one life to love, and far less than a lifetime to tell the people in our lives how we feel. Many in the Bible were given warning to put their life in order, and every soldier on the battlefield knows that he could die any day, but the rest of us have far less warning. In a car crash, an act of terrorism, a freak storm, or a random act of violence our life could be over, and there will be no last rites or letter home we kept in our coats for a fellow soldier to take home.

We each must ensure that we have loved to the fullest each moment that we have with those we care about. Tomorrow is not promised or guaranteed, we are promised however, that unless Messiah returns in our lifeitme, we each will perish on a day that we do not know.

Its often not what we said that keeps us up at night when someone goes too soon, its what we failed to say. And at our last hour, it won't be what we said to those left behind that torments us, but what we failed to say.

33 Miles - One Life To Love
From the album One Life
video and music

He never thought he cared so much about the minute hand
Until he started praying for a second chance
If he could only do it all again
And trade the long nights that he spent behind his desk
For all he missed
He tells his wife I wish that this moment in this room
Was not me dying but just spending a little time with you

You only get just one time around, you only get one shot at this
One chance to find out the one thing that you don’t wanna miss
One day when it’s all said and done I hope you see that it was enough
This one ride, one try, one life to love

She never thought she cared so much about those little hands
That held on tight the day she left till she was scared to death
Sitting all alone on a hotel bed, the end of the road
The sun has set on her big plans to feel young again
She picks up the phone, dials a number, hears that little voice
That’s haunted every single mile since she made that choice

You only get just one time around, you only get one shot at this
One chance to find out the one thing that you don’t wanna miss
One day when it’s all said and done I hope you see that it was enough
This one ride, one try, one life to love

You only get just one time around, you only get one shot at this
One chance to find out the one thing that you don’t wanna miss
One day when it’s all said and done I hope you see that it was enough
This one ride, one try, one life to love.