Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Welcome to the White Stone Letters

Welcome to the White Stone Letters with Brian-Asriel Newman.

Say Shalom to your Hearts and buckle the seat belts around your souls. We are about to dive into some deep waters than have rarely been tread in Sunday School. 

This series has three purposes, or rather, three questions. The first question is this. 

Who are you? Really. 

Once you find that answer you will know why you were born into this (possibly last) generation and not another generation, why you were born into the country and this culture instead of another one, and why you were chosen for the family that you were born into. None of these were by accident I believe. 

The second question is interwoven with the first. 

Whose Kingdom are you building? 

Are you building your own "Empire of Dirt" as Johnny Cash sang of in his cover of "Hurt"? Or are you building a Kingdom whose Cornerstone is it's Creator and King?

The third questions requires an answer from the two before it.

Who should you be building this Kingdom and How do you find them? 

Are you looking for someone that will help you become someone other than who you were designed to be? Perhaps you are looking for someone who will let you be comfortable with who you have settled into being instead of someone that will inspire you to become better, a someone who will make you uncomfortable with being less?

All of these questions have one answer. Your White Stone Name.

These "White Stone Letters' are intended to be a map
 for finding that answer. 

"He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the Churches. To the one who conquers I will give some of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, with a new name written on the stone that no one knows except the one who receives it.’   Revelation 2:17 

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